Sales and Distribution Solutions

​Salmon with avocado salad
4 salmon loins, 1 avocado, 10 cherry tomatoes, spring onion ½, ½ lemon juice, fresh coriander, black pepper, salt gomasio or sesame oil, olive oil, salt, avocado mayonnaise.
Wash the cherry tomatoes and onion and cut into quarters. Put both ingredients in a bowl and then peel the avocado and cut into small cubes, add to the bowl and sprinkle with lemon juice and mix well to avoid rusting. 
Wash the coriander leaves and pícalas to add to the salad finally make ready with a little salt, freshly ground black pepper and a drizzle of olive oil. Book salad until ready to serve, so it is very fresh.

To make the salmon should be slightly brown the surface and leaving the inside juicy, without overdoing it. To do this, put a little oil on a griddle or skillet. 
Put the fish in the first part of the skin, add salt to taste and turn it once it has been toasted on both sides, When in point, turn off the heat.

Serve the salmon with the avocado salad, serves a spoonful of mayonnaise, avocado and Enjoy!

J&M Sales Inc.